比肩 正印 日主 枭神
乾造: 庚 己 庚 戊 (戌亥空)
寅 卯 午 寅
甲偏财 乙正财 丁正官 甲偏财
丙七杀 己正印 丙七杀
戊枭神 戊枭神
旺衰: 绝 胎 沐浴 绝
纳音: [松柏木] [城头土] [路旁土] [城头土]
[年干] 太极贵人 福星贵人 太极贵人
[年支] 桃花 将星
[月支] 天医 天医
[日干] 太极贵人 福星贵人 太极贵人
[日支] 桃花
七杀 正财 日主 正官
乾造: 庚 己 甲 辛 (申酉空)
寅 卯 戌 未
甲比肩 乙劫财 辛正官 乙劫财
丙食神 丁伤官 己正财
戊偏财 戊偏财 丁伤官
旺衰: 临官 帝旺 养 墓
纳音: [松柏木] [城头土] [山头火] [路旁土]
[年干] 太极贵人 金舆 天乙贵人
[年支] 桃花 华盖
[月支] 天医 月德贵人
[日干] 福星贵人 羊刃 国印贵人 天乙贵人
[日支] 桃花
庚寅年 六白到山
己卯月 八白到山
甲戌日 六白到山 嵗支三合 月支六合 月德 尊帝
庚午時 八白到山 日支三合 尊帝
枭神 比肩 日主 偏财
乾造: 庚 壬 壬 丙 (辰巳空)
寅 午 寅 午
甲食神 丁正财 甲食神 丁正财
丙偏财 己正官 丙偏财 己正官
戊七杀 戊七杀
旺衰: 病 胎 病 胎
纳音: [松柏木] [杨柳木] [金箔金] [天河水]
[年干] 太极贵人 福星贵人 太极贵人 福星贵人
[年支] 将星 将星
[月支] 月德贵人
[日干] 天厨贵人 天厨贵人
文昌贵人 文昌贵人
[日支] 将星 将星
庚寅年 六白到山
壬午月 尊帝 三合
壬寅日 尊帝 十靈 天醫 天喜
丙午時 尊帝 三合 喜神
卯山: 生午 旺寅 壬為陽進貴
本月 陽貴震 玉堂卯 真祿兌 針馬兌
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Sympathy Blankets
We receive a lot of sympathy blankets from the many friends of my late father's god son.
Sympathy Blankets carry condolence messages on them. They are usually sent as a funeral gift to a person who had just lost his/her kins. After the funeral rites, the messages on the Sympathy Blankets are removed, and can be used as blankets.
While wreaths may look presentable as a funeral gift, they are flowers and will whither over time. For the average funeral rite, it takes 5 days for prayers. During this 5 days, some flowers might whither. After the funeral rites, wreaths are thrown away, together with their stands. Therefore, many people thought that sympathy blankets are more lasting. After the funeral, Sympathy Blankets are kept and used as blankets for the family members and there will be no wastage. It is environmental friendly, so to speak using the popular language.
Also Sympathy Blankets are tied to the wall and can be seen from a distance away. Hence, many people consider sympathy Blankets make generous gifts.
Sympathy Blankets carry condolence messages on them. They are usually sent as a funeral gift to a person who had just lost his/her kins. After the funeral rites, the messages on the Sympathy Blankets are removed, and can be used as blankets.
While wreaths may look presentable as a funeral gift, they are flowers and will whither over time. For the average funeral rite, it takes 5 days for prayers. During this 5 days, some flowers might whither. After the funeral rites, wreaths are thrown away, together with their stands. Therefore, many people thought that sympathy blankets are more lasting. After the funeral, Sympathy Blankets are kept and used as blankets for the family members and there will be no wastage. It is environmental friendly, so to speak using the popular language.
Also Sympathy Blankets are tied to the wall and can be seen from a distance away. Hence, many people consider sympathy Blankets make generous gifts.
Sympathy Flowers
Sympathy Flowers
Sending a tribute of flowers is an appropriate way of expressing sympathy to a family who has experienced the loss of a loved one.
Sympathy flowers express a feeling of life and beauty and offer much comfort to the family. Flowers provide a living memorial to the deceased as they bring hope to those who grieve.
We have received sympathy flowers from my classmates, my brother in law's family and friends and many others.
Sending a tribute of flowers is an appropriate way of expressing sympathy to a family who has experienced the loss of a loved one.
Sympathy flowers express a feeling of life and beauty and offer much comfort to the family. Flowers provide a living memorial to the deceased as they bring hope to those who grieve.
We have received sympathy flowers from my classmates, my brother in law's family and friends and many others.
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